Navizon for GPS on iPhone
Well there you have it. No rumors, no having to wait till next year, no bluetooth connection required - and you have yourself a GPS service for your iPhone thanks to Navizon. However it is not free like Gizmodo thinks it is. It is only free for two weeks, after which you’ll have to pay a one time $25 fee. You can read about this on Navizon’s site.
Navizon works by triangulating signals from Wi-Fi access points and cellular towers as well as using data based on a collaborative database updated by users who have a GPS device. This ways other members of the community can simulate a virtual GPS on their phone. iPhone in this case.
Early reports suggest the service can not locate your exact position but get as close as few hundred feet which should be good enough for getting directions.
We’d like other iPhone users to try this out and let us know what they think. To install Navizon on your iPhone visit iBrickr or
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