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Wallaby XDA Developers Special Edition ROM

Gönderen Ali Yarkın 23 Eylül 2009

ROM Özellikleri ve İçindekiler;

- More AutoConfig providers, thanks to the users of this forum
- PocketNav replaces Switch
- tdClock (larger clock) and tdLaunch (shortcut icons) on the Today screen
- JogButton on both buttons (we patched it just a little...)
- PhonExt (per-contact and per-category ringtones, single handed dialing)
- D9 (Single handed dialing)
- PocketDIVX (plays anything, better for some things than WMP)
- imov Messenger Basic (jabber, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, AIM)
- PocketCHAT (IRC)
- nPOP (alternative POP/SMTP client)
- Ruler (cm and inches)
- StopTime (Stopwatch and much more)
- Frequency Tuner (for musical instruments)
- Ephemeris (Sun and Moon positions)
- Many small things have been made nicer
- Everything that was in the earlier Special Edition ROMs is still there.

Download Linki / Alternatif Link

[Kaynak: XDA Dev.]

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